Jacob (Jake) Nelson


NASM-Certified Personal Trainer/Behavior Change Specialist

AFAA- Certified Group Fitness Instructor

Welcome to my page, my name is Jake Nelson. I have been a certified personal trainer since January 2022. Going into spring 2019, I was going to school to be a Nurse and working as a patient care tech at big Barnes in the CWE. Working on a cardiac floor as COVID hit, and then working on the COVID floors I realized that I was on the wrong end of the health journey. I signed up for the NASM Personal Trainer program and made the jump to be on the preventative/restorative side.

My goal is to help my clients get active and find sustainable, flexible nutrition habits so they can achieve healthier lifestyles. My personal fitness journey started in 2006 when I joined the Army between junior and senior year of high school. I started that summer at 124lbs, which considering I am 6’3” meant I was skin and bones. I came out of basic training 3 months later at 168lbs which was much more reasonable. However, because the lifestyle that got me those 40lbs did not come out of basic training with me, I lost 20lbs and ended up at about 145lbs for the next 3 years while I tried to find a more sustainable lifestyle that would still help me gain the weight, I felt I needed to gain.

Now a little over a decade later, I’m able to be at a maintainable 200lbs. I’ve learned that large changes require time for them to be sustainable. Major changes don’t happen overnight, and if they do, they don’t last long. I’ve had setbacks, I’ve had successes, I’ve helped friends and family achieve their own successes. It’s this experience and the knowledge I’ve gained during my own journey that I want to impart onto you, my clients.