Thank You & Enjoy the workout!


Welcome to the Halloween HIIT workout with Punk Rock Thor!

This is how the workout works

Everything is listed below but you can use the video to see how to do the exercises!

You will be doing 3 8 min EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) and you will be doing 2 Tabatas (20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds (4 mins))

 The EMOMs will have you doing 2 exercises per minute.

For example. You will complete 10 surrenders AND 10 squat jumps. Rest with whatever time is left over in that minute. Then start the next minute with 10 Marching planks AND 8 each side Curtsy Lunges. Rest with whatever time is left over in that minute. Then restart at the Surrenders and Squat Jumps. If you are not finishing all reps with at least 10 seconds of rest, remove reps from each exercise.

 The Tabatas will be done consistently for each exercise until the time runs out (20 seconds) you will then rest for 10 seconds. After that 10 seconds you will immediately start the next exercise. These 2 exercises will alternate back and forth for 4 minutes.

 The workout is as follows:

8 min EMOM

(mins 1/3/5/7) 10 Surrender & 10 Squat jump

(mins 2/4/6/8) 10 Marching plank & 8 Curtsy lunge each side


4 min Tabata ( 20s on/10s off )

Plyo Lunge & Slider pike


8min EMOM

(mins 1/3/5/7) 8 SL Hip bridge each side & 10 Slider push up

(mins 2/4/6/8) 12 Ham curl & 10 Tri dip


4 min Tabata (20s on/10s off )

Superman & Mt climber


8min EMOM

(mins 1/3/5/7) 4 Burpee & 8 Pistol each side

(mins 2/4/6/8) 8 Split squat each side & 12 Slider tucks

Use the video above to see how to do each of the movements. They are in order and labeled to help!

Enjoy your workout with Punk Rock Thor and Happy Halloween!