Are You Suffering From SADS?


Happy Tuesday!

As you all might have noticed, it's getting darker earlier and staying dark longer. Not only that but the temps are dropping. The fall chill has begun and will soon lead into winter. On top of that the days are generally more often cloudy and rainy… all of these are less than motivating to stay or get in shape, am I right?

These external conditions can lead to a few negative symptoms this time of year. Have you been feeling sluggish, lacking motivation, feeling sad, hopeless, guilty, having food cravings, trouble falling asleep or sleeping too much?

This could mean you are suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder or SADS.

What causes this?

One of the major factors is that we get less exposure to sunlight leading to low vitamin D, low melatonin, low serotonin, and getting out of your circadian rhythm are all possible causes.

What can you do to help?

Vitamin D3 supplements, exposure to sunlight or UV lights, healthy diet, exercise, and seeking help from a professional can all help. Vitamin D3 is one of the cheapest supplements out there and is often something that we are low in this time of year due to low amounts of sun light. This is especially compounded for most of us in 2020 as we have been staying inside more this year than normal.

If you are feeling symptoms of SADS it might be worth your time to get a good vitamin D3 supplement to help get you back on your feet. It won’t be an instant fix but if you consistently take your D3 over the fall and winter you should come out this spring doing much better than you might have otherwise.

Diet and exercise not only improves overall health but also helps with improved energy, mood, and sleep. You might have noticed, during quarantine it was much harder to keep to your normal sleep patterns. Extended time in front of screens, less time moving, more time to grab snacks and eat junk. If you want to get back into a great circadian rhythm, starting a fitness routine and focusing on a healthy and balanced diet can go a long way to help you get back on track.

Need help with motivation to get into the gym? Don’t know what workouts to do? No idea where to start your new diet? We can help!

* All of the trainers at Relentless Fitness offer 2 free sessions to get you started.
* All trainers are at the minimum NCCA certified.
* Trainers can help provide nutrition guidance. Why Relentless Fitness?
* Relentless Fitness is a private training studio so that means NO MEMBERSHIPS!
* We are taking COVID seriously, and you should be too. This means:
* All entry to the facility is by appointment only.
* We require masks when entering and moving around the gym.
* We take temperatures and sanitize hands at the door.
* We required signed agreements from all clients stating that they have not had any symptoms, traveled to high risk areas, or been in contact with anyone with symptoms of COVID within the last 14 days.
* Our trainers will help keep distance with other clients.
* And our facilities are constantly cleaned and sanitized.

Don’t let 2020 keep you from crushing your goals! Relentless Fitness can help you finish out 2020 on a high note! Click the Get Set Up button in the top right to get scheduled with a personal trainer!