Week 10/9/23-10/16/23

Week 3 of our weekly journaling prompt to help you on your relentless journey to becoming your best self. Take 10 minutes to stop and journal anything that comes to mind on the topics listed. Get as deep and open into the prompt as possible. This is your chance to check in with yourself and really open up. It just might help you work through some issues, solve some problems, or at least get things off your chest. So lets get started.

10/9 What are my top priorities for the day? What’s something I can do to make today amazing?

10/10 What challenges did I face today? How did I overcome them? What can I learn from these experiences?

10/11 What are the decisions I need to make? When do I need to make this decision? What is the desired outcome I hope to achieve? Is this the best decision or do I just want it? Does it make me and others better or worse?

10/12 What does the perfect day look like for you?

10/13 If fear wasn’t holding you back, what would you do? What is the worst case scenario when it comes to your fear?

10/14 Who do you look up to most in life? Why? How can you cultivate those qualities in yourself?

10/15 What does the perfect day look like? Be as detailed as possible.

10/16 What have you done to make your closest friends happy and better? What could you do?

Week 10/2/23-10/8/23

Week 2 of our weekly journaling prompt to help you on your relentless journey to becoming your best self. Take 10 minutes to stop and journal anything that comes to mind on the topics listed. Get as deep and open into the prompt as possible. This is your chance to check in with yourself and really open up. It just might help you work through some issues, solve some problems, or at least get things off your chest. So lets get started.

10/2 What were your wins last week? What did you do to get those wins? What wins do you want to see this week? How are you going to make sure you achieve them?

10/3 What are my top priorities for the day? Out of those, what are the top 3? What steps do you need to do to accomplish those priorities? What will you do once you finish your top priorities? Go execute!

10/4 What’s something you can do to make today amazing? How can you prioritize yourself today?

10/5 How am I feeling today? How does my body feel? How does my mind and emotional state feel? What are -3 things that you are thankful for? What are 1-3 things you can do for yourself today?

10/6 How did I help lead others and make others better this week? What could I do to raise up others around me? What can I do to be a better leader?

10/7 Are you living to your full potential? Why or why not? What can you do to live to your fullest potential or help other around you to do that?

10/8 How can I make tomorrow and next week even better?

Week 9/25/23-1/30/23

Weekly Journal Prompt

This is the start of our weekly journaling prompt to help you on your relentless journey to becoming your best self. Take 10 minutes to stop and journal anything that comes to mind on the topics listed. Get as deep and open into the prompt as possible. This is your chance to check in with yourself and really open up. It just might help you work through some issues, solve some problems, or at least get things off your chest. So lets get started.

9/25 What are your core values and what do they mean to you and how you live your life?

9/26 What are your goals for the week, month, next 6 months, next year. What action steps does it take to reach these goals

9/27 What are some ways I can prioritize my physical health and well-being? What is stopping you? How will you overcome these issues?

9/28 What can you commit to doing for the next two weeks that will lead you to being more aligned with your core values? Why do you want to do this? How are you going to do this? Check back in 10/12 if you had success or not.

9/29 Our goal is to become the best version of ourselves. What does that person look like? How do they live, dress, eat, treat others, when do they wake up, go to bed, live, who do they hang out with, what are their hobbies, what impact do they have on others?

9/30 What are some things that you could do or remove to become more like your optimal self this weekend?

1/30 Who do you look up to the most in life? Why? How can you be more like them? What are the action steps to achieve that change?

Remember, it is important to check in with yourself daily. Make it a priority at some point to get to a quiet place and really dive deep into these questions. Try to write for the full 10 minutes and let it all out!
Stay Relentless

Prioritize and Execute: Your Daily Guide To Being Relentless

Prioritize and Execute: Your Daily Guide To Being Relentless

This journal is here to not only help you stay on track and help you to execute daily but to also keep you mindful and honest of your progress. You can use this as a daily tracking tool and a log book where you can go back later to see what was or wasn’t working, what changed, etc. Our goal with this notebook is to show you that there is enough time in the day, build success habits,…

Journal Guide Disclaimer

Journal Guide Disclaimer

This starter guide is just that, a guide to help you get started with your personal fitness journey. Keep in mind that the contents of this guide are made to fit nobody in particular and are not programmed for your specific goals, these are just some ideas to get the ball rolling. Also please know that these exercises if performed incorrectly could be dangerous and lead to injury, use these workouts at your own risk. There are loads of major factors missing from this guide as well that cannot be included to a general guide. These in-depth topics rely on information regarding the specific individual and their goals as well as A LOT of time explaining the enormous world of nutrition and fitness as it pertains to you and your specific goals.

Nutrition basics

Nutrition basics

Nutrition is often what people refer to as “Diet” but I am not the biggest fan of the word diet because it implies something that is not a lifestyle, it implies something that is a fad or something that you are doing just for now. Nutrition is key to success in meeting your goals and it can, in most cases, be more important than the exercise portion of your health and fitness. If you can’t stick to your nutrition, then we need to figure out what it is that is keeping you from staying with it. If your nutrition is too limiting, as most peoples is when they are “on a diet”, it causes them to fall off …