Meal Prep, lets do it!

There are lots of different ways to go about planning out meals for your day and/or week. Some people do all of their cooking at the beginning of the week and measure it out into containers so they can just grab and go throughout the week. Other people make large containers of different carbs, proteins, and fats and measure it out throughout the day or week if they need to deviate throughout the day. Other people cook all of their food fresh every day. Like everything else, you need to find what works best for YOU.

Cooking your meals at the beginning of the week is great for those with busy schedules, or if you just want to not have to think about meals during the week. This method takes a bit of planning, especially if you are counting macros or calories, but it makes it extremely easy for the remainder of the week. Be sure to make a thorough grocery list before you start. A food scale is also helpful for portioning out your meals into containers after all of the prep work has been done. This method also allows you to be sure you are eating the exact amount of food you need whenever you need it. 

Another way of meal prepping, especially if you live with other people, is to make a large amount of food and then take whatever you need for each of your meals. This 1) allows for sharing with those you live with and 2) keeps all of your food separate so you can alter your amounts as needed. You may have to do some more meal prepping throughout the week, but this method allows you to make a moderate amount of food at once so you don’t have to prep every day, nor do you have to do it all at once at the beginning of the week.

A great resource for bulk meal prep would be companies like Fit Flavors. You can order bulk items such as grilled chicken breast, sautéed vegetables, potatoes, burgers, etc. You can check out what they are currently offering here:

Finally, some people enjoy preparing their food as they are going to eat for enjoyment, taste, and freshness. To be successful with this method, be sure you separate just enough of the raw ingredients that you need to fit into your plan for the day. The difficulty with this is portion control and time, but with some practice, this is a very doable method for a lot of people. Eating fresh food is the most enjoyable, but just make sure to watch your portions.

There is no right and wrong with meal planning. You can use any of the methods above or a combination of whatever you’d like that is going to be best for you and your lifestyle. As always, feel free to reach out with questions!